Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Juan Garcia in the News

If you are in Corpus this Memorial Day Weekend...
then you should swing by Juan Garcia's 40th Birthday Party.

Spend the Sunday evening of Memorial Day Weekend or May 28th in the shadow of the USS Lexington at the Blue Ghost Landing Beach Bar, and join Juan for his 40th Birthday Celebration.

Free admission. Join us between 6-10 PM for an evening of dancing, drinks, and a special live performance by Juan's rock band, with surprise special guests!

(And the much requested "Army of Juan" t-shirts will be available).

For more information please log on to Juan's web site:

Remember, Monday is Memorial Day so you don't have to go to work (hopefully)...

Posted by Eddie on 05/25/2006 at 11:24 AM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Sparkling City by the Sea Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0)
Gene Seaman already running scared

10-year incumbent Rep. Gene Seaman may publicly say he's not worried about the challenge from first time candidate Lt. Cmd Juan Garcia, but that's not what he's telling his inner circle.

In a March 27, 2006 letter to previous donors, Seaman wrote that he is "engaged in a major fight", and exhorted them to "consider doubling or tripling your annual donation." Click here (letter.pdf) to see actual letter.

Seaman has also been paying about $6,500 a month for three large commercial billboards bearing his likeness around the district, 10 months before the election. That is around $32,500 on freaking billboards.

Good thing he's not worried....
Continue reading "Gene Seaman already running scared" »

Posted by Eddie on 05/11/2006 at 10:38 PM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, South Texas, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (1)
Juan Garcia ~ In the News
Juan Garcia has a been a busy man lately. Garcia, candidate for HD 32, was all over the newspapers this Sunday.

On Thursday, Juan Garcia introduced his Harvard classmate Sen. Barrack Obama (D-IL) at fundraiser in Austin. Present at the event was another Harvard Law classmate, Juan's wife Denise Garcia.

I attended this event and beside the impressive speeches by both Juan Garcia and Sen. Obama, I was shocked by how many young people was there. The packed room was filled by high school and college-aged supporters. I go to my share of these events and I am happy to see that there is a new generation of active participation in politics.

There was also great article written in the SA Express News in Carlos Guerra's column.

A second-generation naval aviator, he had risen to lieutenant commander when he left active duty in a career that included 30 armed missions over the Persian Gulf, one of which ended with an emergency landing during a sandstorm. In the process, he also was appointed White House fellow.


"A lot of the analysts said, 'That district is not going to elect someone whose name ends in a vowel,' and in the past, it is undeniable: They voted in droves against the Hispanic candidate," García says. "But I choose to believe that this campaign is emblematic in closing that chapter in our history.

"I think that the right person with the right qualifications and the right message and vision can close that chapter so we can get to the issues we all care about," he adds.

And such political divisiveness isn't limited to race issues.

"There are issues out there, education, property taxes, services, that also transcend party," he says. That's why he picked fellow pilot [Joe] Hall — a Republican — for his campaign treasurer. "I wanted to send a message."

This is guy is the real deal. It is nice to see a campaign trying to woo the entire district on real issues. I expect Seaman will probably try to create some false wedge issue to divide the district. I am glad Garcia is focused on what really matters in the district.

Garcia also spoke at annual earth day festival at Cole Park on Saturday. He talked about how Texas leads the nation in polluters but fails to adequately monitor the polluters. Apparently, polluters in Texas self report their emissions. Hmmm... kinda like putting Michael Jackson in charge of the day care. This kind of self-serving industry practice will not change until we see a real change in our elected officials.

Garcia has also been busy securing the restoration of the Dr. Hector P. Garcia (no relation) office builiding. He was the first Mexican American to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This is the highest award a civilian can receive. Dr. Garcia organized the American G.I. Forum (1948) initially to improve veteran benefits and enhance medical attention. But it soon expanded to address educational and vocational training, housing, public education, poll taxation, voter registration, hospitalization and employment. Today the American G. I. Forum has nearly 160,000 members in 502 chapters in 24 states.

Posted by Eddie on 04/23/2006 at 11:02 AM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, South Texas, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (1)
Richard Morrison: Help Juan Garcia defeat Seaman and his dirty DeLay money
I just recieved an email from Richard Morrison supporting Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia and his bid to unseat Gene Seaman in HD 32. It reads:

Former Congressman Tom DeLay. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

When I ran against him two years ago, I talked about the sheer reach of his corrupt Texans for a Republican Majority political action committee (TRMPAC).

This year, my friend Juan Garcia is running against one of biggest beneficiaries of that corruption -- State Rep. Gene Seaman, the Republican real estate developer from Corpus Christi.

That's why I'm writing you today -- to ask you to join me in supporting Juan so that we can continue to clean up the House and rid Texas politics of DeLay's allies.

Juan is the new face of leadership in Texas -- dynamic, independent, rooted in his community. A veteran of Operation Allied Force in Kosovo, an instructional pilot in the Navy Reserve, and a former assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Education, he brings to this race a refreshing energy and integrity.

Seaman, on the other, seems to be the man for whom the term "furniture" to describe inept lawmakers was coined. He pocketed $35,000 from DeLay's TRMPAC and its parent organization ARMPAC in his 2002 race. He took an additional $80,000 from other DeLay-linked sources, including Houston megadonor Bob Perry, the indicted Texas Association of Business, and Texans for Lawsuit Reform.

And then he voted in lock step for every extremist idea to come down the pike. Redistricting? Why not! Cut half-a-million kids off CHIP? You bet! Double college tuition rates? Of course! The single biggest tax hike in Texas history? Who cares!

Let's take a stand for Juan Garcia against DeLay's rubber stamp. Click here to send him a generous donation so he can keep fighting to provide Corpus Christi with the kind of independent voice it deserves.

Fight On!
Richard Morrison

Pretty cool, huh? We win the Texas House back one seat at a time. This is the race we can and need to win. Go help and contribute to Juan's campaign.

Posted by Eddie on 04/11/2006 at 04:14 PM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Tomstown Scandal, Tom Delay Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (2)
Seaman asked to get rid of dirty Delay money
Lt. Cmdr. Juan Garcia, candidate for HD 32, asked for Republican Gene Seaman to return all the dirty Delay money he has received (see full press release here). Garcia suggests that this money should be to donate a local children's health clinic. Seaman's vote on CHIP removed hundreds of thousand of working family's children off the heatlh insurance program in 2003.

State representative candidate Juan Garcia today called on his opponent to give nearly $50,000 he took from Tom DeLay and others linked to the ongoing corruption scandals surrounding the disgraced congressman to a local children's health clinic.

"This campaign should be about our community's future, not my opponent's past," Garcia said. "I encourage him to put this behind him so that we can spend the rest of this campaign talking about how to fix our public schools, keep our kids healthy, and make our neighborhoods stronger."

Incumbent Gene Seaman reported accepting $48,710 in 2002 from two discredited political action committees founded by DeLay, Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC) and its parent organization, Americans for a Republican Majority (ARMPAC), as well as from the Texas Association of Business (TAB). TRMPAC and TAB have since been indicted as part of a continuing criminal grand jury investigation in Travis County.
DeLay announced this week that he will resign his office as the biggest political corruption scandal in a generation continues to embroil the leadership in Washington, D.C. and Austin.

Delay resignation effects all of Texas because his corrupting influence permeated all of Texas. Will Seaman donate the dirty money? Probably not. He probably thinks he did nothing wrong money by taking tainted money. We shall see.

Posted by Eddie on 04/07/2006 at 07:39 AM in Cronyism, HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, South Texas, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Tomstown Scandal, Tom Delay Permalink Comments (2) TrackBack (0)
Sunday News Roundup
Ciro has raised over $136,000 from the "The Kiss." Cuellar starts to get desperate.

Chris Bell leads Gammage in a new DMN poll.

San Antonio Express New Editorial Board endorses Joe Farias for HD 118 primary.

Madla still hasn't let the Democrats out of his trunk.

San Antonio social conservative James Leininger trys to kill off moderate Republican by dropping almost $1 million of his own money to support right-wing extremists.

The Corpus Christi chapter of the American Federation of Teachers and Corpus Christi Fire Fighters Association endorse Juan Garcia (HD 32). The New York Times reports on the veterans running for Congress. There are 57 Dems running (map).

Dick Cheney's Freedom Peppering is still a mess.

Law enforcement officials in San Antonio and Alamo Heights are more likely to ask black motorists to submit to voluntary searches than they are to ask white drivers, according to a study (.pdf) released by an Texas Criminal Justice Coalition.

Posted by Eddie on 02/19/2006 at 10:31 AM in Back on the Ranch, CD 28, Cheneyquiddick, Download This!, Human Rights, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Race for Texas Governor 2006, SD 19, San Antonio, South Texas, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House, The Lege - Senate Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0)
Sometimes technical difficulties turn out to be a good thing.
Many of TRS’s reader were expecting a play by play of Juan Garcia’s Campaign Kick-Off Rally with Gen. Wesley Clark. We were intending of broadcasting the event with the help of Corpus Christi’s citywide WiFi network. Much to my chagrin, the signal was sporadic at best so I decided to post later and walk the crowd to get a sense of the energy.

It was the best thing that could of happened. I met a friend of the campaign who was filming and needed some help transporting video equipment throughout the night. He asked me to help “produce” and of course I agree to help.

Walking through a crowd of 200+, I felt something I hadn’t felt in a lot time: optimistic hope. I really believe it came from the presence of Clark and Garcia. I saw people who are natural skeptics smile and nod their head in agreement because they knew that they had in front of them a rebirth of Democrats. Candidates like Garcia and Clark is how Democrats earn back the trust of the voters.

Continue reading "Sometimes technical difficulties turn out to be a good thing. " »

Posted by Eddie on 01/29/2006 at 05:22 PM in Foreign Policy, HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Race for U.S. President 2008, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (10) TrackBack (0)
Juan Garcia's Rally Photos
Here are the photos of the Juan Garcia Campaign Rally with Gen. Wes Clark. I have also included some additional photos from tagging along with Wes and Juan. For the complete story, check the Sunday Edition of The Red State.

Posted by Eddie on 01/27/2006 at 08:57 PM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Race for U.S. President 2008, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0)
~LIVE BLOG~ Juan Garcia & Gen. Welsey Clark
Greetings everyone. I am down here in Corpus Christi, the Sparkling City by the Sea. I will be providing live-coverage of the Juan Garcia's Kick Off Rally with Gen. Wesley Clark. Juan is running for State Representative in District 32. The rally is set to start at 4:30pm at the Selena Auditorium but if you are coming you should probably be here by 4:00pm.

It is late morning and I am blogging from the 2nd floor of the flagship Whataburger by the Bay store.

11:30am ~ Juan asked me to tag along this morning. First, he spoke to at the local meeting of the GI Forum. For those who do not know, the GI Forum was founded in Corpus Christi and one the first and most effective organizations to protect the rights of Mexican-American veterans and their families. The widow and daughter of founder, Dr. Hector P. Garcia, was at the breakfast and is expected to be in attendance at tonight's rally. Dr. Hector, as he is fondly called, was the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Being from Corpus Christi, I have heard many of stories about Dr. Hector. Every single story I heard was about how Dr. Hector helped them when they most needed help.

After the breakfast, we then ran over to the local talk radio show for a quick interview. Juan talked about tonight's rally with Gen. Wesley Clark. The radio show host was real nice and helped point out that we were going to have a presidential candidate speaking tonight. This may be common place in bigger cities but in Corpus it is a special treat for everyone here.

More live coverage and photos after the jump. Comments are open

Continue reading "~LIVE BLOG~ Juan Garcia & Gen. Welsey Clark" »

Posted by Eddie on 01/26/2006 at 12:29 PM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Race for U.S. President 2008, South Texas, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (5) TrackBack (2)
TRS to live-blog Juan Garcia's kick off rally with Gen. Clark
As noted on the Rio Grande Guardian and Democratic Underground, The Red State will be live-blogging Juan Garcia's kick off rally for his race for Texas House District 32 with honored guest Gen. Wesley Clark. I encourage everyone who can go to Corpus Christi this Thursday to attend the rally. These are the first steps of a great new candidate and the next step for a true contender for the White House. I expect great things from these two very accomplished men.

For those who cannot make it but want to ask Wes Clark or Juan Garcia a question, send it to TRS via email and we will do our best to get it asked.

UPDATE: Burnt Orange Report has an interview with Juan Garcia.

Posted by Eddie on 01/24/2006 at 06:01 AM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Race for U.S. President 2008, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (3) TrackBack (2)
Wesley Clark kicks off Juan Garcia's campaign

Gen. Wesley Clark, former presidential candidate and NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, will be in Corpus Christi, TX on January 26, 2006 to announce his support for Juan Garcia's race (campaign website) for Texas House District 32.

I cannot remember the last time a Presidential candidate visited our Sparkling City By The Sea. This is huge!

General Wesley Clark will join fellow veteran and state representative candidate Juan Garcia for a formal campaign kick-off rally on January 26 at the Selena Auditorium.

"I am honored to have General Clark's endorsement and strong support in my campaign to set a new direction for the families and small businesses of House District 32," Garcia said. "His biography and his record of commitment to our country speaks for itself."

During 34 years of service in the U.S. Army, Clark rose to the rank of four-star general as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, and led the effort to end ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. He graduated first in his class at West Point, and was awarded the Silver Star for his gallantry in Vietnam. A Rhodes Scholar, he serves as a frequent commentator on FOX News. Clark won the 2004 Presidential primary in Oklahoma, and is viewed by many analysts as a strong contender for the White House in 2008. Garcia served under Clark's command during Kosovo, and the two men later became friends when Garcia was selected to serve as a White House Fellow, the nation's premiere leadership development program, whose alumni include Clark, Colin Powell and Henry Cisneros.

The rally is scheduled to be held from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 26 in the Selena Auditorium. The event will be followed by a fundraising reception from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Full Press Release (.doc)

If you can attend the rally, GO! Corpus Christi is beautiful this time of year. If you can't go but want to help, then you can volunteer or contribute to his campaign. His new website (www.electjuangarcia.com) should have all the info.

I met Gen. Clark in 2003 and found him to no nonsense kind of guy. I have a pretty good BS meter with politicians and found him to be honest and forthright with his answers to questions. Given Clark's and Garcia's background, I think they are a great match. Clark's announcement will help bring out the important military vote in that district. This is a candidate you can be excited about...

UPDATE: WesPac has the event up on its calender.

Posted by Eddie on 01/17/2006 at 03:05 PM in Did he just say that?!?, HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (2)
Juan Garcia want all the votes not just Dems
In order for Juan Garcia to win House District 32, he must appeal not only to Democrats but moderate Republicans and Independents. This is a swing Republican district with a heavy military presence. I don't think you will ever win over the extreme right wing who are actively trying take out the moderate Republicans who vote their district like Carter Casteel. I think his impressive military background definitely will win over some conservative voters to his side. His latest press release announces his new campaign treasurer:

"Joe is a trusted friend who has served this community well and who understands the need to restore balance and independence at the State Capitol," Garcia said.

Hall is a former Marine, Desert Storm pilot, and registered Republican with an MBA degree from Texas A&M and a successful small Coastal Bend business. Hall and his wife, a public school teacher from Pearland, are respected community leaders.

“Juan is running to be part of the solution, not part of the problem,” Hall said. “He will be the kind of independent voice we need in Austin, not just another rubber stamp.” [Emphasis added]

I am glad that he going after all the votes not just some of them. The job of State Representative represents all the people in a district. Unfortunately, there are Reps out there who rather vote for the interest of the small group of fringe and radical Republicans instead of their district. I won't ever fault someone for voting their district 'cause that is their job (and most folks are in the happy middle).

Posted by Eddie on 01/06/2006 at 08:56 PM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, South Texas, Sparkling City by the Sea Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0)
My Day with Juan Garcia
Today is the one-year anniversary of the first real post on the The Red State. I tackled the cronyism I saw happening while I worked in the 2003 Texas Legislature. It's funny what a year can bring.

I was invited by Lt. Cmdr. Juan Garcia to join him in Austin today for his filing at the Democratic Party Headquarters. Since I have never been to a filing, I agreed to go.

I am so glad I did.

The HQ buzzed with activity with everyone moving with a purpose. It seemed a bit chaotic until you stopped and and watched it move. There were many folks from around the state bringing their paperwork to be filed. There were people with the means to do so comfortably. There were people who obvious first time candidates. It was a treat to see so many folks anxious to get their filings entered and made official.

Juan was quite comfortable meeting the party officials and staff. He has a very natural way with people. When they found out who he was, their faces lit up. They were happy he was there and that he was running. This was sincere since they had already heard that he had decided to run for HD 32.

I forget sometimes about the folks who dedicate their lives to help Democrats get elected. Many of the staff were in their mid to late 20s and obviously very bright. Most could be doing whatever they wanted to in life but have chosen to serve.

I pulled Juan aside to ask him about what he thought about all this and why he was running because he doesn't need to do this. He has a great education, a good job and a responsibility to his young family. This race will take him away from his family. He has already served his country in a way only a few among us can. His job as a navy pilot is probably one of the most dangerous jobs a person can do. And yet he still throws his hat in the ring.... He told me that it is all worth it if he can make Texas a better place for his family and Texas families' future. The sacrifice he makes will be far outweighed by the good he can achieve for them.

Juan Garcia's race is far bigger than HD 32. His run is a testament that Democrats can run supremely qualified candidates. His run sets the stage for what the future will hold for Texas Democrats. His run can inspire people to get involved and help create the new Democratic Party. His run will inspire others to run (in fact it has already). To some, this may seem like pie in the sky but once you meet him you will know what I am talking about.

At some point you have to stop gawking and complaining and do something about it. I was quite surprised when I was moved to do something about it myself. Somewhere amidst the the hustle and bustle of day, I decided to run. I said my goodbyes to all the good people at the Party, personally thanked Juan Garcia for running and went back home to San Antonio.

I called my good friend and asked him to run with me for Precinct Chair in our respective precincts. Neither of us had ever done anything like this before. He agreed to run. It is not as large of job as Juan will have but I believe it's important. We cannot wait for others make the change we would want. We have be that change ourselves.

Starting 1/2/06, I am officially running for Precinct Chair 4001 in Bexar County.

Posted by Eddie on 01/02/2006 at 11:28 PM in Austin, HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, San Antonio, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (1)
Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia to run for House District 32

Putting rumors and speculation to rest, TRS has confirmed that Lt. Cmdr. Juan Garcia will run for Texas House District 32.

I first met Juan Garcia at the DNC Hispanic Leadership Summit in San Antonio earlier this year and I have spent quite a bit of time with him in last few months. Let me tell you about what I have learned.

Raised in South Texas, Juan has impressive credentials. U.C.L.A undergrad. J.D. from Harvard Law School (where he met his wife). Master's in Public Policy from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government. White House Fellow. 13 years Navy fighter pilot with missions in Kosovo and the Persian Gulf.

Currently, he is a practicing attorney in Corpus Christi all while still training young Navy pilots. He was a Special Assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Education from 1999-2000, chaired the Board of Directors of "Citizens for Educational Excellence," and was a member of the CCISD district-wide Planning and Decision-Making Team. He also serves on the Board of Governors for Leadership Corpus Christi, the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation, and the Boy Scouts.

If you ever get a chance to meet him in person, he is even more impressive than his resume. Now, this is going to be a tough race against the incumbent, the tragically named, Gene Seaman (R). Some may know him for being furniture in the Capitol but most remember him for his nasty little tirade (wmv clip) on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives during session in 2003.

Much more on this announcement once I land on the ground....

Posted by Eddie on 12/31/2005 at 04:09 PM in HD 32, Lt. Cdr. Juan Garcia, South Texas, Sparkling City by the Sea, The Lege - House Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (1)
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Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...

Local Democratic Organizations

Coastal Bend Texas Democratic Women (CBTDW)
President: Gloria Caceres
Contact: 361-882-8478
Group meets the last Tuesday of each month at 6 PM at the Nueces County Democratic Party Headquarters
1716 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, Texas.

Coastal Bend Tejano Democrats
President: Santos Ronje
Contact: 361-853-4383 or san45ron@stx.rr.com
Group meets every 2nd Wed. of the month @ 7:00pm at the Nueces County Democratic Party Headquarters
1716 S. Alameda, in Corpus Christi, Texas.

South Texas Area Young Democrats (S.T.A.Y.D)
Info: Call John Marez

Nueces County Tejano Democrats
President: Moses Estrada
Contact: 361-510-7114 or mmestrada1@aol.com
Group meets every first Thursday of the month @ 6:30pm at the Nueces County Democratic Party Headquarters
1716 S. Alameda, in Corpus Christi, Texas.

South Texas Politics
Live T.V. Show on KTMV Channel 6 – Time Warner @ 6:00pm every Friday
Various guests talk about local political issues.
Contact: John Marez or Rene Saenz

Island Democrats
Contact: Peg MacPhail
Contact: 949-7869

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2:19 AM  
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...

Political Pulses: 04.25.04

April 25, 2004

Liberal activist equates Craddick, PAC with KKK

Rene Saenz, a local liberal activist and co-host of the cable show South Texas Politics, sent an _e-mail last week that equated state House Speaker Tom Craddick and his PAC, Texans for a Republican Majority, with the Ku Klux Klan.

Saenz wrote in his e-mail, "For the past few weeks I have been sending you all e-mails of periodical articles regarding potential criminal wrongdoing by the Texas Association of Business (TAB) and Texans for a RepubliKKKan Majority PAC."

He continued, "Well it seems our favorite Nueces County right-winger, State Rep. Gene Seaman, is one of those under investigation for receiving that money. DeLay, CraddicKK, and Seaman are certainly an interesting group of critters."

2:20 AM  
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...


Political Pulses: 04.25.04

April 25, 2004

Liberal activist equates Craddick, PAC with KKK

Rene Saenz, a local liberal activist and co-host of the cable show South Texas Politics, sent an _e-mail last week that equated state House Speaker Tom Craddick and his PAC, Texans for a Republican Majority, with the Ku Klux Klan.

Saenz wrote in his e-mail, "For the past few weeks I have been sending you all e-mails of periodical articles regarding potential criminal wrongdoing by the Texas Association of Business (TAB) and Texans for a RepubliKKKan Majority PAC."

He continued, "Well it seems our favorite Nueces County right-winger, State Rep. Gene Seaman, is one of those under investigation for receiving that money. DeLay, CraddicKK, and Seaman are certainly an interesting group of critters."

Chavez, other Texas veterans meet Kerry

Ram Chavez, state commander of the American GI Forum and director of the Corpus Christi Veterans Band, met with Sen. John Kerry, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, with eight other veterans from around Texas last week.

Chavez was supposed to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at Kerry's rally at the University of Houston, but the person driving him could not release the hand brake in the van. He was too late by the time he arrived, and someone from Houston did it.

Still, Chavez was thrilled to meet Kerry. He and the other veterans talked with the Massachusetts senator about veterans' affairs for close to 30 minutes.

"He promised, if elected, he would have a stronger veterans administration and under him the country would only go to war if we have to, not if we want to," Chavez said. "It is very important to have someone that will listen to us."

Chavez noted he was particularly impressed with Kerry's people skills, such as his firm handshake and the way he remembers names and details of conversations.

"They let us take pictures, shake his hand and touch him," Chavez said. "It was just a down-to-earth situation."

Capelo named one of Texas Medicine's Best

Voters gave state Rep. Jaime Capelo, D-Corpus Christi, the pink slip, but the political arm of Texas' largest medical society has given him a blue ribbon.

The Texas Medical Association named Capelo and 11 other legislators Texas Medicine's Best. Immunizations and Medicaid were mentioned but the award is in large part a hearty "thank you" for the medical-liability tort reform package passed by the 78th Texas Legislature.

"Without (Capelo's) statesmanship and courage in standing up for patients' access to care, Texas would not have passed the reforms needed to stop health care lawsuit abuse and rein in liability premiums," a release from the association said.

Abel Herrero campaigns against House Bill 2292

Folks driving past Port Avenue and Ayers Street on their lunch hour Tuesday might have spotted District 34 state Rep. Democratic candidate Abel Herrero waving a sign protesting changes House Bill 2292 will bring to social services.

"There were people who were not aware (of the legislation) driving around and reading the signs we had," Herrero said.

"We informed them about why we were there, and talked about the bill and what it pertained to and how it affects the community."

House Bill 2292, which Gov. Rick Perry signed into law in June 2003, will abolish 10 of 12 health and human services departments, create three new departments and rename a fourth. The law will be phased in during the next two to five years.

The demonstrators want the law repealed. Herrero said the law's future depends on which of its proponents and detractors remain in office for the next legislative session. Clearly, he'd like to join the ranks of the detractors.

Escobar: Equal-funding amendment is needed

As state lawmakers decide the future of school finance, state Rep. Juan M. Escobar, D-Kingsville, a former school board trustee in Kingsville and Falfurrias, is advocating a state constitutional amendment to guarantee equity in school funding.

In an April 23 letter to the chairman of the House committee on public school financing, Escobar outlined his proposal to establish a minimum standard of equity and a special fund to finance the proposal.

Escobar also proposed a measure to increase the state's contribution to the Teachers Retirement System next year by $235 million.

"There have been promises of equity in the past, but they have never been fulfilled," Escobar said in a statement. "My plan will make those promises a reality. And, it backs up the promises by depositing the money to finance this commitment into a special fund that can be appropriated for that purpose."

Political Pulse was compiled by Tim Eaton. He can be reached at 886-3794 or eatont@caller.com. Staff Writers Leanne Libby and Quincy Collins contributed this week.

2:22 AM  
Blogger Jaime Kenedeño said...

Political Pulse: 01.25.04

Capelo advertises during televised debate Chesney reconsiders mayoral candidacy Recall may not stop some Kingsville commissioners

January 25, 2004

Capelo advertises during televised debate

During the one-hour South Texas Politics debate at KTMV-TV Channel 6 on the Time Warner System an ad at the bottom of the screen told voters to vote for Jaime Capelo, even as the faces of his opponents - businesswoman Nelda Martinez and attorney Abel Herrero - filled the screen.

The Capelo campaign sponsored the show and paid for the mini-advertisement. One of the hosts, John Marez, said other candidates also had the opportunity to buy an ad.

Capelo's constant signage did not seem to have an impact on the outcome of the debate.

"I think right now people have a perception of Rep. Capelo that cannot be overcome by that sign on the screen," Rene Saenz, South Texas Politics' other co-host said.

Of the 231 viewers who called in their votes after the program was aired, 160 named Herrero the winner. Capelo drew 49 votes and Martinez 22, according to Phil Dupre, Herrero's campaign manager.

KTMV owner Carlos Lopez could not be reached to confirm the numbers, but Saenz said that the vote tally sounded consistent with the call-in voting patterns that had emerged when he left the station Friday night.

Cornyn picked to be deputy whip in Senate

U.S. Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, has been deputized.

Cornyn, the former Texas Attorney General and state Supreme Court Justice, was appointed to Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell's Deputy Whip team Friday.

The Senate Whip and his cadre of deputies work to mobilize votes and organize party support on major issues. In short, the team ensures that the party's legislative priorities move forward.

The Deputy Whip team was expanded from 12 to 13 members this year. McConnell said in a statement released Friday that he appointed Cornyn because he has been impressed with Cornyn's command of the issues.

Cornyn will have to fit his Deputy Whip duties between his involvement with four of the Senate's most powerful committees. He is already a member of the Senate Judiciary, Environment and Public Works, Armed Services and Budget Committees and chairs the Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil and Property Rights.

Chesney reconsiders mayoral candidacy

Councilman Brent Chensey evidently needs a bit more time to test the political breeze before he decides whether to run for mayor.

Two weeks ago, Chesney said he would drop out of the race if Councilman Henry Garrett decided to run. Mayor Loyd Neal will be forced out by term limits, so many political insiders see the race as an opportunity for a current council member to make a move into the seat. Garrett said he intends to run. Mark Scott said he's thinking about it. Chesney also had been lining up support, but said he would back out if Garrett jumped it.

"If Henry runs, I'm out," he said during a break in the Jan. 13 City Council meeting.

Thou spokest too soon, Mr. Chesney? Or what?

In a written statement on Friday, Chesney said: "I am not out of the mayor's race officially. I will wait for Henry Garrett's official announcement before I make my final decision. I am not saying that I am changing my mind, but I have had an overwhelming amount of e-mails, phone calls and personal contacts asking me to reconsider my decision, so I am."

He continued: "I really want to run but deferred only out of respect for Henry. My respect has not changed, as there is no one I respect more, but I am thinking about it."

We'll see what next week has to bring.

Olivarez's mom competing in contest of her own

Nueces County Sheriff Larry Olivarez isn't the only member of his family seeking a title in 2004.

While Olivarez is gearing up to face three challengers in the Democratic Party primary, his mother-in-law, Flo Martinez, is vying for the Ms. Senior Coastal Bend crown.

The 70-year-old Martinez has managed to work for both causes simultaneously.

On Jan. 2, Martinez attended a filing deadline party event at Democratic Party Headquarters on Olivarez's behalf. While she was there, she handed out campaign brochures detailing Olivarez's service record, mentioned her pageant-participation plans to most people in the room and tried to sell a few pageant tickets.

Martinez on Friday attended a Democratic Party Nueces County Sheriff's debate hosted by the Nueces County Coalition for the Advancement of Women. There, she sat near the front, offered spirited applause after nearly each of Olivarez's responses to moderator and audience questions. Then she dashed off to a Ms. Senior Coastal Bend tea and sash-fitting.

"I really just have so much to do, but I love it," Martinez said Friday.

One of her campaigns will wrap up Feb. 1, when Ms. Senior Coastal Bend 2004 is crowned at the Bayfront Plaza Convention Center.

Olivarez will face challengers Eddie Garza, Robert "Bobby" Longoria and Richard Santana in the March 9 Democratic Party Primary.

The victor will go on to face Independent Roger Flores and Republican Fred Ballenger in the general election.

Olivarez's mother-in-law, no doubt, will be on top of every development.

Sheriff's candidates hold impassioned debate

If Friday's debate and mock election sponsored by the Nueces County Coalition for the Advancement of Women is any indicator, the campaign for Nueces County sheriff will be long, a little loud and favor the incumbent.

When Sheriff Larry Olivarez, retired Corpus Christi police Sgt. Eddie Garza and Nueces County Sheriff's Department detective and former jail administrator Richard Santana took questions from an audience of about 100 people and moderator Cruz Colomo, the tenor of the debate swung from placid to passionate.

Democrat and retired Department of Public Safety trooper and narcotics officer Robert "Bobby" Longoria did not attend.

Each of the candidates offered his views on issues such as the prospect of labor organization within the sheriff's department, the proper way to run a jail and train staff, pay rates within the department and the importance of increasing patrol activity in the county. About 100 people packed the Modern Cafe's private dining room to listen.

When questions, and questions framed as comments, came from the audience about preventing sexual harassment within the department, the incumbent's scholarship program for high school seniors interested in a career in law enforcement, and jail-related lawsuits settled by the county, the audience got a bit rowdy.

Colomo, the coalition's president, said that this is the way debates should be - a spirited but respectful exchange of ideas.

About 90 ballots were tallied at the end of the debate. Olivarez was named the mock election winner. Santana came in second place and Garza in third, according to organizers.

Recall may not stop some Kingsville commissioners

Some of the Kingsville city commissioners who have been targeted by recall efforts say that if they are successfully recalled, they would run for their seats again.

Voters will determine Feb. 7 if Kingsville Mayor Pro-Tem Horacio "Hoss" Castillo, Kingsville Mayor Phil Esquivel and Kingsville City Commissioner Arturo Pecos will remain in office. If they are removed, they are not precluded from running in future races.

Pecos and Esquivel said they would want to return to public office to finish helping the city's economic development.

"We'll just have to obey the law and roll with the punches," Pecos said, adding that he has learned a lot about the democratic process since the recall effort began.

For city election officials, holding an election under the pressure of a court-ordered deadline is nothing new. City election officials were on the verge of a court-ordered recall election in May.

During the first recall attempt against Pecos and Castillo, Fred Garza Jr., the Hidalgo County court-at-law judge appointed to call the first recall election of the two commissioners, ordered the election and early voting dates and approved election locations after the city commissioners failed to act.

On May 17, Garza ordered early voting for the recall to begin May 27 through May 30 and June 2 and June 3 at Kingsville City Hall. Election day was June 7 but it was called off when Pecos and Castillo were granted an injunction by a district judge. The recall election was quashed after the district judge ruled that the city violated election codes by not printing recall petitions in Spanish. The city's last successful recall was in 1989.

Since 2002, political battles in the city have led to the firings of a city manager and a police chief and three recall attempts. The indictment and later acquittal of the city's police association and a police sergeant on an election code violation and the indictment of a police chief on a retaliation charge, which was later dismissed, also were connected to the recall effort.

Perry touts Texas military bases

When Gov. Rick Perry talks, he hopes people in the Department of Defense are listening.

At least the former Aggie Yell Leader did Friday when he told a Killeen group that the state has done all that it can to position Texas military bases as ideal locations for new and continued military missions.

"In Texas we have mandated discounted electrical utility rates for military bases," Perry said in a statement released Friday, "improved educational benefits and opportunities for members of the military and their families, and created a $250 million low-interest revolving loan fund that defense communities can borrow from to make needed infrastructure improvements."

In contrast to other Texas politicians, Perry has formally accepted the Department of Defense's Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) 2005 criteria. U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, and 27th District U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz, D-Corpus Christi, have both indicated that they would like to see the Department of Defense modify the criteria.

While some are concerned that the split between some federal and state-level officials could endanger local bases, Perry's endorsement of the criteria also may be a stealth political move to remain in the Department of Defense's good graces.

Quincy Collins, Tim Eaton, Neal Falgoust and Janell Ross contributed to this column.

2:24 AM  

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