Sunday, May 28, 2006

South Texas Chisme: Erasing the Hispanic vote

Juan more voice.....
Posted on May 29, 2006 at 01:28:04 AM by Jaime Kenedeno

raised infinitely to the power of South Texas for the ascension of Juan Garcia III to the Office of District 32 State Representative.

We can put this man into office.

We can defeat the insurance big money.

Well South Texas, it is now up to us.

When I woke up this morning, I did not even know WATT Juan Garcia III looked like much less who his supporters were.

Good People!

That is all I will say for now, GOOD PEOPLE!

Hey South Texas Democrats get over the bickering and the envy.

We got an election to win!

Join the Army of Juan.

Who are you Juan Garcia III?

Let's make South Texas Rumble.

More on this race (against the INSURANCE industry) coming to your community soon!

Now, in response to you Sam Sylvia; are you Sam or Sylvia?

Why did they throw that money out so suddenly?

They were challenged by who?

If you choose to do the pre historic block walking while the organizer hordes the bulk of the money, that is your choice.

It did Tony Sanchez absolutely no good. It helped Barbie Girl not one iota.

My talents are much more profound as an online advocate. I do mean WATT I say and say WATT I mean.

Read We The People May edition and if you still do not understand my reference then you must be totally "out of the loop". Those "in the know" understood perfectly. John Kelley knows exactly WATT I am referring to.

I thank you for your input and it is refreshing to experience individuality as you exhibit. I look forward to meeting you.

Both of you.


I have many suggestions and many fall on deaf ears.

When it comes to a Gazillionaires Club or an Elitist City Council controlling our political environment for their own personal interest; I will never "relax and enjoy it".

Very few people have spoken up for this man Juan Garcia III.

So We did right here and look WATT happened

Hey, Sam or Sylvia take a look at where the money goes and I bet somebody or a couple of somebodies will end up with a good chunk for themselves while somebody sweats their a$$ off for 6 bucks an hour. All it is, is an information gathering campaign with people speaking on behalf of three different candidates which puts Juan in the same boat with Jimmy and Larry.

Juan IMO is in a class a few tiers above these guys.

He is a class act with the charisma and energy required to represent South Texas' interest and not big money.

The Army just got a Weapon of Mass Construction!


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